Thursday, June 9, 2011

if I ever look's why:

Things overheard at the Brown home:
-"It doesn't matter if he took one of your invisible Go Fish cards, they're invisible...don't punch him, just pretend you have more"
-"Well, ARE you a girl? Ok then."-Mom
-"Dont' jump off of that! No, you cannot fly. Nope, not even with cardboard wings. Because you aren't really a grey slider flying squirrel"-Mom
-"No nunchucks in the house!" (obviously, that's an OUTside toy)-Dad
-"That's what happens when you don't listen!"-Dad
-"WHY aren't you wearing any underwear?!" (probably a whole sub category for the ones that start with "where". We can never find anything)
-"Mom, I need wood glue so I can make this block of wood into a surfboard and try it out in the pond"-Carson (the inventor)
-"Mom, why does the mom on 101 Dalmations get so mad at Cruella deVille for smoking, but Roger can smoke a pipe?"-Carson
followed by...
-"Mom, why don't they just GIVE her one of those dogs? They've GOT a hundred of them!"-Peyton didn't quite understand the movie
-"Mooooom, I need you to make me a ninja mask"-Peyton
-"Do not bend his arm (or leg, or neck, or finger) that way!"-said daily
-"Mom, whatsa for nunch?"-Ryan, he's in a slight Italian accent phase
-"Dad, you in MY house?"-Ryan waking up from nap to find Daniel at home
-"I wike to moob it moob it"-Ryan singing "Move it Move it"
-"I come in pieces"-Peyton said this to the librarian on the summer reading registration day...with his hands in Star Trek sign...and his eyelids flipped inside out
-Jackrabbit vs Dragon fight (Carson and Peyton) "Fine, I'll rub my fluffy tail on you (sits on Peyton and rubs his butt on him) Peyton shoves him off and replies "So, I'll set your tail on fire" (breathes pretend fire)
-"Mom, who is Lee Bron James"-Carson

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