Tuesday, November 22, 2011

how random my kids are...

So we had tithing settlement tonight with our Bishop. He wrapped up the discussion by asking the boys if they had any questions. Peyton replied "YES! How old do I have to be to be a grown up? And what do you think I should become when I grow up?" Bishop suggested fireman and he declined. That was the start of a very weird car ride home. Peyton told the story of the first Thanksgiving, Squanto, and pilgrims and Indians complete with details of how many adults got sick and died, leaving kids all alone. His Thanksgiving story ended up sounding remarkably like the Lord of the Flies. The subject changed to missionaries (thanks Carson) and Carson told us that he'd go on a mission even if he got hit by a car. This led to "How exactly do you die when you get hit by a car?" and I found myself explaining how the brain sends signals to the rest of your body's organs. *SIGH* THEN Peyton had a hypothetical question "What happens if you fight with someone, kick and hit them and they fall INTO the road and get hit by a car. Do you get in trouble? Do you have to talk to the Bishop for a long time, like ALL DAY? " At this point Carson interjected and told Peyton he'd go to "Juvee" which made me lol. He thought I thought he was making it up, so he proceeded to tell me the life story of Louis Armstrong, who evidently spent a brief period of time at a juvenile detention facility. That's what happens when you have four boys in a car for 20 minutes. Hope you enjoyed the rambling as much as I did :)


hanneyjo said...

they are so funny! can't wait to see them for christmas!

Joel and Cassie Burch said...

I love your boys...so funny!!